The Languedoc Page - information about Languedoc including weather, webcams, history, geography, agriculture, industry, wine



Languedoc weather


The coastline, sheltered by mountains, provides a varied climate.

The coastal plains are typically Mediterranean, rarely freezing in winter, and enjoying average high summer temperatures of nearly 30 C (86F).

Further inland, the maritime influence is less, and temperatures are a few degrees cooler in winter and warmer in summer. Nimes is reputed to be the hottest place in France, and recorded a shade temperature of 43C (110F) in 2001. 2003 was a hot summer with many  windless days exceeding 40C.

Mountain areas have higher rainfall, temperatures depend on altitude.

In most of Languedoc, a nice winter day can be as warm as 20C  (70F).

Rainfall is medium at around 700 mm (28 in) per year on the plain, more in the mountains. Summers are exceptionally dry with occasional,  but often very heavy, rainfall in the autumn months. In September 2002 680mm (27 in) of rainfall was recorded in 48 hours near Anduze causing severe flooding further down the river valleys. This rainfall is equal to the annual rainfall in London, and represents 680 litres per square metre (16 US gallons per square foot).

This weather pattern produces a pleasant sunny climate. Montpellier claims 300+ sunny days per year, Lunel 330+.

The cold Northerly Mistral wind from the Rhone valley influences Eastern  Languedoc, and the North Westerly Tramontaine influences Western Languedoc. Both blow for a few days, several times each year.  

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